Wanconnect Group https://wanconnect.com.my Your Business Solution Partner Thu, 05 Dec 2024 06:50:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 马来西亚2024年预算的10个关键见解 https://wanconnect.com.my/10-key-insight-on-malaysias-budget-2024-chi/ https://wanconnect.com.my/10-key-insight-on-malaysias-budget-2024-chi/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 05:16:31 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9206 由首相拿督斯里安华提出的马来西亚2024年预算是该国有史以来最大的支出计划。以下是预算的10个关键要点:

1. 经济和财政状况


2. 政府收入和支出


3. 税收和补贴


4. 社会福利和援助


5. 医疗保健


6. 教育和人力资本


7. 基础设施和交通


8. 农业和食品安全


9. 贸易和工业


10. 治理和法律改革



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10 Key Insight on Malaysia’s Budget 2024 https://wanconnect.com.my/10-key-insight-on-malaysias-budget-2024/ https://wanconnect.com.my/10-key-insight-on-malaysias-budget-2024/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 05:10:08 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9201 Malaysia’s Budget 2024, tabled by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is the country’s largest ever spending plan. Here are the 10 key points from the budget:

1. Economy and Fiscal Position

The GDP growth is projected at 4-5% in 2024. The inflation rate was at 2% in August 2023, and the unemployment rate was at 3.4%. The fiscal deficit is targeted at 4.3% of GDP in 2024.

2. Government Revenue and Expenditure

Government revenue is estimated at RM307.6 billion in 2024. The government operating expenditure is at RM303.8 billion, with development expenditure at RM90 billion.

3. Taxes and Subsidies

The sales and service tax (SST) is proposed to be increased. Diesel subsidies are to be restructured, and price controls for chicken and eggs are to be lifted.

4. Social Welfare and Assistance

Budget 2024 contains various measures to aid those in need and cut back on blanket subsidies. RM40 electricity bill rebate will be provided for the hardcore poor.

5. Healthcare

The Health Ministry will receive 10.46% of the budget’s total allocation.

6. Education and Human Capital

The Education Ministry will be the second biggest recipient of the budget, receiving 14.91% of the total allocation.

7. Infrastructure and Transportation

RM300 million has been allocated for the repair of roads and bridges.

8. Agriculture and Food Security

The Agriculture and Food Security Ministry saw a 14.8% rise in its allocation.

9. Trade and Industry

The Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry saw its allocation going up by 46.2%, the biggest growth in allocation for Budget 2024 compared to Budget 2023. The Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry is second with an 18.7% increase.

10. Governance and Legal Reforms

RM18 million has been allocated for legislative reforms, and RM38 million for judicial efficiency.

In conclusion, Budget 2024 is aimed at reforming the economy and empowering the rakyat. It focuses on best governance for service agility, restructuring the economy to accelerate growth, and improving people’s living standards.

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薪资是否可以以现金支付?马来西亚全面指南 https://wanconnect.com.my/can-wages-be-paid-in-cash-in-malaysia-a-comprehensive-guide-chi/ https://wanconnect.com.my/can-wages-be-paid-in-cash-in-malaysia-a-comprehensive-guide-chi/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:55:14 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9196 在数字交易时代,薪资是否可以以现金支付是一个相关的问题。本博文旨在阐明马来西亚关于现金支付薪资的法规。


根据《劳工法令1955年》,除非经雇员和马来西亚半岛劳工部 (JTKSM) 总监批准,否则不得以现金支付薪资。这项法规旨在避免操纵和确保薪资支付的透明度。


在最近在吉隆坡批发市场举行的一次行动中,人力资源部长 V. Sivakumar 透露,共检查了34家雇主,其中19家以现金支付薪资。其他违规行为包括超时工作和不遵守最低工资法令。




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Can Wages Be Paid in Cash in Malaysia? A Comprehensive Guide https://wanconnect.com.my/can-wages-be-paid-in-cash-in-malaysia-a-comprehensive-guide/ https://wanconnect.com.my/can-wages-be-paid-in-cash-in-malaysia-a-comprehensive-guide/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:52:16 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9191 The Legal Standpoint

According to the Employment Act 1955 , the payment of wages in cash is prohibited unless approved by both the employee and the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) director-general123. This regulation is in place to avoid manipulation and ensure transparency in wage payment.

Recent Developments

In a recent operation held at Pasar Borong Kuala Lumpur, Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar revealed that 34 employers were inspected and 19 of them paid wages in cash. Other offences included violations of working hours and non-compliance with the Minimum Wages Order.


In conclusion, cash payments of wages require the approval of both the employee and the JTKSM director-general. Employers are encouraged to pay wages through bank transfers to ensure compliance with the law and avoid hefty fines.

Remember, as an employer, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest regulations to ensure a smooth and lawful operation of your business. Stay tuned for more updates and insights into the Malaysian labour laws.

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Copyright: All content, including text, images, and other multimedia materials, posted on this platform is the intellectual property of Wanconnect Advisory PLT and CCL & Partners PLT. Unauthorized use or reproduction of any content without prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

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在马来西亚成立Sdn Bhd公司的十大优势 https://wanconnect.com.my/top-10-advantages-of-forming-a-sdn-bhd-company-in-malaysia-chi/ https://wanconnect.com.my/top-10-advantages-of-forming-a-sdn-bhd-company-in-malaysia-chi/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:40:57 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9188 Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd)是马来西亚企业家最常用的商业实体。在马来西亚设立Sdn Bhd公司为企业和企业家提供了许多优势。以下是前10个优势:

1. 有限责任

Sdn Bhd最重要的好处是提供有限责任保护。股东仅对其出资额负责,对公司的债务负有限责任。这意味着在公司破产时,股东的个人资产得到保护。

2. 永久继续存在

Sdn Bhd具有与其股东和董事不同的独立法人实体。这意味着即使股东或董事变更,公司仍可以继续存在。这为企业提供了稳定性和长寿性,确保其能够持续运营和成长。

3. 可信度和品牌形象

成立Sdn Bhd公司可以提升您企业的可信度。客户、供应商和投资者可能认为成立的公司比独资企业或合伙企业更加稳定可靠。这可以带来增加的商业机会和合作伙伴关系。

4. 融资渠道

银行和金融机构更愿意向Sdn Bhd提供信贷。此外,Sdn Bhd还可以通过向公众发行股份来筹集资金。这可以为企业扩展和成长提供必要的资金。

5. 税收优惠

Sdn Bhd按照公司税率缴税,这可能低于个人所得税率。此外,Sdn Bhd还可以享受各种税收优惠、减免和豁免。这可以为企业带来重大的成本节省。

6. 股权转让

Sdn Bhd的股权可以轻松转让,使出售业务或引入新投资者变得更加简单。这为企业所有权提供了灵活性,可以促进业务扩张和继任计划。

7. 业务连续性

Sdn Bhd具有永久存在的特点。即使股东或董事去世或离开企业,它仍将继续存在。这确保了业务的连续性,并为利益相关者提供了安心感。

8. 签订合同的能力

作为独立法人实体,Sdn Bhd可以以自己的名义订立合同。这包括就业合同、供应协议等合同。这可以为企业提供更大的法律保护。

9. 专业形象

成立Sdn Bhd公司可以提升您企业的专业形象。它有助于吸引高质量的客户、员工和投资者。这可以为企业的整体成功和增长做出贡献。

10. 更大的控制权

Sdn Bhd的股东可以通过在股东大会上行使投票权来对企业进行更大的控制。这可以确保企业按照股东的愿景和目标来运营。

在马来西亚成立Sdn Bhd公司对于希望扩大业务的企业家来说可能是一个战略举措。然而,重要的是寻求专业意见,了解所有涉及的法律和监管要求。专业的公司秘书可以指导您完成整个过程,并确保您的企业符合所有相关法律和法规。

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版权: 所有内容,包括文本、图像和其他多媒体材料,发布在此平台上的均为Wanconnect Advisory PLT 和 CCL Partners PLT知识产权。未经事先书面许可,严禁未经授权使用或复制任何内容。

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Top 10 Advantages of Forming a Sdn Bhd Company in Malaysia https://wanconnect.com.my/top-10-advantages-of-forming-a-sdn-bhd-company-in-malaysia/ https://wanconnect.com.my/top-10-advantages-of-forming-a-sdn-bhd-company-in-malaysia/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 04:33:20 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9175 The Sdn Bhd is the most commonly utilized business entity by entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Incorporating a Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd) in Malaysia offers numerous benefits for businesses and entrepreneurs. Here are the top 10 advantages:

1. Limited Liability

The most significant benefit of a Sdn Bhd is the limited liability protection it offers. Shareholders are only liable for the company’s debts up to the amount of share capital they have contributed. This means that personal assets of the shareholders are protected in the event of the company’s insolvency.

2. Perpetual Succession

A Sdn Bhd has a separate legal entity distinct from its shareholders and directors. This means the company can continue to exist even if the shareholders or directors change. This provides stability and longevity to the business, ensuring that it can continue to operate and grow over time.

3. Credibility and Brand Image

Incorporating a Sdn Bhd enhances your business’s credibility. Customers, suppliers, and investors may perceive an incorporated company as a more stable and reliable entity compared to a sole proprietorship or partnership. This can lead to increased business opportunities and partnerships.

4. Access to Financing

Banks and financial institutions are more likely to extend credit facilities to Sdn Bhds as most of the Sdn Bhds will be audited by an independent auditor. Moreover, a Sdn Bhd can also raise capital by issuing shares to the public. This can provide the necessary funds for business expansion and growth.

5. Tax Benefits

A Sdn Bhd is taxed at a corporate tax rate, which can be lower than the personal income tax rate. Additionally, a Sdn Bhd can also enjoy various tax incentives, deductions, and exemptions. This can result in significant cost savings for the business.

6. Ownership Transfer

Shares in a Sdn Bhd can be easily transferred, making it simpler to sell the business or bring in new investors. This provides flexibility in terms of business ownership and can facilitate business expansion and succession planning.

7. Business Continuity

A Sdn Bhd has a perpetual existence. It continues to exist even if the shareholders or directors pass away or leave the business. This ensures business continuity and can provide peace of mind for stakeholders.

8. Ability to Enter Into Contracts

As a separate legal entity, a Sdn Bhd can enter into contracts in its own name. This includes contracts for employment, supply agreements, and more. This can provide greater legal protection for the business.

9. Professional Image

Incorporating a Sdn Bhd can enhance your business’s professional image. It can help attract high-quality clients, employees, and investors. This can contribute to the overall success and growth of the business.

10. Greater Control

Shareholders of a Sdn Bhd can exercise greater control over the business. They can influence business decisions through their voting rights at general meetings. This can ensure that the business is run in accordance with the shareholders’ vision and objectives.

Incorporating a Sdn Bhd in Malaysia can be a strategic move for entrepreneurs looking to grow their business. However, it’s important to seek professional advice to understand all the legal and regulatory requirements involved. A professional company secretarial can guide you through the process and ensure that your business complies with all relevant laws and regulations.

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如何通过比率分析提高利润 https://wanconnect.com.my/how-to-boost-profit-with-ratio-analysis-chi/ https://wanconnect.com.my/how-to-boost-profit-with-ratio-analysis-chi/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:50:35 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9170 简介






1. 发现优势和劣势领域


2. 提高运营效率


3. 提升财务稳定性


4. 评估投资机会


5. 有效管理债务


6. 优化定价策略


7. 提升现金流管理





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How to Boost Profit with Ratio Analysis https://wanconnect.com.my/how-to-boost-profit-with-ratio-analysis/ https://wanconnect.com.my/how-to-boost-profit-with-ratio-analysis/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:24:01 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9159 Introduction

In the world of business, profit margin is a key indicator of a company’s financial health. It’s a measure of profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue. The higher the profit margin, the more profitable the company. But how can businesses boost their profit margin? One effective method is through ratio analysis.

What is Ratio Analysis?

Ratio analysis is a quantitative method of gaining insight into a company’s liquidity, operational efficiency, and profitability by comparing information contained in its financial statements.

The Role of Ratio Analysis in Boosting Profit Margin

Ratio analysis can help businesses boost their profit margin in several ways:

1. Identifying Areas of Strength and Weakness

By comparing the ratios of successful competitors or industry averages, businesses can identify their own strengths and weaknesses. This can guide strategic decisions, such as whether to focus on areas of strength or address areas of weakness.

2. Improving Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency ratios, such as the inventory turnover ratio and the receivables turnover ratio, provide insight into a company’s operational efficiency. By improving these ratios, businesses can reduce costs and increase their profit margin.

3. Enhancing Financial Stability

Financial stability ratios, such as the current ratio and the quick ratio, provide information about a company’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. By improving these ratios, businesses can enhance their financial stability and increase their profit margin.

4. Evaluating Investment Opportunities

Investment evaluation ratios, such as the return on investment (ROI) and the return on equity (ROE), can help businesses identify profitable investment opportunities. By investing in high-return projects, businesses can increase their profit margin.

5. Managing Debt Effectively

Debt management ratios, such as the debt ratio and the debt-to-equity ratio, provide information about a company’s level of indebtedness. By effectively managing debt, businesses can reduce interest costs and increase their profit margin.

6. Optimizing Pricing Strategies

Profit margin ratios, such as the gross profit margin and the net profit margin, can guide pricing strategies. By optimizing pricing, businesses can increase their revenue and profit margin.

7. Enhancing Cash Flow Management

Cash flow ratios, such as the operating cash flow ratio and the free cash flow ratio, provide insight into a company’s cash flow management. By improving cash flow management, businesses can ensure they have sufficient cash to cover expenses and invest in growth opportunities, thereby increasing their profit margin.


In conclusion, ratio analysis is a powerful tool for businesses seeking to boost their profit margin. By providing valuable insights into a company’s strengths and weaknesses, operational efficiency, and financial stability, ratio analysis can guide strategic decisions that increase profitability.

Remember, the key to successful ratio analysis is regular review. By regularly reviewing and acting on this information, businesses can continuously improve their operations and boost their profit margin.

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<跨境定价>最近案例的关键见解:企业必读 https://wanconnect.com.my/key-insights-from-recent-transfer-pricing-cases-a-must-read-for-businesses-chi/ https://wanconnect.com.my/key-insights-from-recent-transfer-pricing-cases-a-must-read-for-businesses-chi/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:04:42 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9157 引言




Sandakan Edible Oils Sdn Bhd案和Procter & Gamble Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s案的高等法院判决


  1. SEO案:国内税务局首席专员诉桑达卡食用油有限公司,高等法院判决。
  2. PGM案:国内税务局首席财务官诉宝洁(马来西亚)有限公司。










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Key Insights from Recent Transfer Pricing Cases: A Must-Read for Businesses https://wanconnect.com.my/key-insights-from-recent-transfer-pricing-cases-a-must-read-for-businesses/ https://wanconnect.com.my/key-insights-from-recent-transfer-pricing-cases-a-must-read-for-businesses/#respond Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:55:55 +0000 https://wanconnect.com.my/?p=9150 Introduction

Transfer pricing has been a hot topic in Malaysia’s tax sphere lately. Since the start of the year 2021, the government has made changes to the transfer pricing legislation such as the introduction of the Section 113B (penalty for a failure to furnish transfer pricing documentation on a timely basis) and Section 140A (3A) (surcharge of up to 5% on transfer pricing adjustments).

Most recently, the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) has expanded the transfer pricing disclosure section in the income tax return form (i.e., Form C) in requiring companies engaged in controlled transactions to declare their functional profile in the Form C. The slew of new measures significantly tightened the transfer pricing regime within Malaysia.

Amidst the backdrop of these changes, transfer pricing centric litigation is increasing in number as we march into the 15th anniversary since the introduction of Section 140A in 2009. The frequency of litigation is signaling that transfer pricing disputes are becoming more significant.

High Court decisions on Sandakan Edible Oils Sdn Bhd’s case and Procter & Gamble Malaysia Sdn Bhd’s case

The two most recent cases that have been widely discussed are:

  1. SEO case: Ketua Pengarah Dalam Negeri v Sandakan Edible Oils Sdn Bhd decided at the High Court.
  2. PGM case: Ketua Pengarah Hasil Dalam Negeri v Procter & Gamble (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.

SEO Case

In the SEO case, the Special Commissioners of Income Tax (SCIT) held that the IRB had failed to support its decision to utilize the median point of a benchmarking analysis, done at the request of the IRB, as a basis for adjustment. The taxpayer had proved that the additional assessments imposed by the IRB were exaggerated or wrong, and such a decision was reaffirmed by the High Court on 17 May 2022.

This case is significant as it highlights the importance of a well-prepared and robust transfer pricing documentation. It also underscores the need for taxpayers to be proactive in managing their transfer pricing risks.

PGM Case

As for the PGM case, the taxpayer had defended the appeal filed by the IRB at the High Court which reaffirmed the decision made by the SCIT in a previous judgement. It was made clear in the judgement issued that the taxpayer did not attempt to evade or avoid tax, had sought professional advice concerning its transfer pricing policy and tax matters, and that the main issue of contention was a technical disagreement regarding transfer pricing policy.

This case demonstrates the importance of seeking professional advice when dealing with complex transfer pricing issues. It also shows that even when taxpayers have sought professional advice and have not attempted to evade tax, disagreements can still arise due to the technical nature of transfer pricing.


These recent court decisions have provided valuable insights into the interpretation of transfer pricing legislation. It is through the courts’ interpretation of transfer pricing legislation that we develop a more matured transfer pricing regime. As we continue to navigate the complexities of transfer pricing in Malaysia, it is crucial for taxpayers to stay informed and prepared for any possible challenges to their transfer pricing practices.

The lessons learnt from these cases will undoubtedly shape the future of transfer pricing in Malaysia. It is clear that transfer pricing is not just a tax issue, but a business issue that requires careful management and planning. As the transfer pricing landscape continues to evolve, taxpayers must remain vigilant and proactive in managing their transfer pricing risks.

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